Login with Laravel OTPNowadays most web application prefer use to OTP(One-Time Password) instead of using username/password that was a classic authentication…Mar 1, 2022Mar 1, 2022
Nice!There is a package that provides an advanced filter for Laravel or Lumen model based on incoming requets:May 19, 20211May 19, 20211
Thanks for your sharing this article.If you want to implement an adcanced filter for Laravel models I suggest this package to handle it.Apr 7, 2021Apr 7, 2021
I liked this article.If you want to have an advanced query builder based on incoming requests and Laravel Eloquent you can use this package…Mar 10, 2021Mar 10, 2021
Laravel Mobile VerificationMany web applications require users to verify their mobile numbers before using the application. Rather than forcing you to re-implement…Feb 1, 20201Feb 1, 20201
Laravel Eloquent Filter (All in one)Have you ever stuck in a situation which a lot of parameters should be send to your API? and you must create tons of queries based on them…Jan 1, 2020Jan 1, 2020
Laravel: Making filter for Model with checking “authorization” filterLaravel Eloquent BuilderAug 9, 2019Aug 9, 2019
Making the advanced search query with Eloquent-Builder in LaravelWe needed an advanced search system in the recent project.This system included many filters that required a flexible and scalable search…Aug 25, 2018Aug 25, 2018